Category: Vietnam

”Buona Pasqua”

Buona Pasqua a tutti !! Happy Easter to everyone !! This is a nice flower I found in Vietnam.

Is this a restaurant ?

Today I took my bike to explore arround ”Hoi an” city. After 2 our biking I was quite hungry so I start to look for some place where to eat. Of course I ended up in the countryside where there was not place where to eat. So I stop in front of a little house …

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Un pugno di semi

Tornando la sera verso casa sono stato attratto da della musica proveniente da un chiosco al bordo della strada. Incuriosito mi avvicino e mi metto a guardare. Non passano neppure due minuti che una signora anziana mi si avvicina dandomi dei semi da mangiare. A gesti capisco che fa parte della tradizione. Ma che tradizione? …

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From “Hoi an to Da nang”

Here another little trip by motorbike where we get to see the central coast o This is the dragon bridge

Hoi an

Going to the beach The tipical lamps We placed some candel in the river Snail for dinner


Ready to explore Sapa villages and surroundings Here the famous rise terraces ”Mama” according what she told us she is arround 100 years old… ”Ciao” was our guide and for all the 4h trakking was carrying arround her baby

“Mama chu, Ciao end Zho”

Once in Sapa Three nice and colorful ladies approached us offering to stay at them place over night in them village.  After a quick negotiations we agree to spend this nice adventure of 2 days. The village where we stay Preparing dinner Sending a letter Dinner

A nasty duck

After a long trip by motorbike through a wanderfull valley between “Po cao” and “Du gia” where the road is really bumpy, We finally arrived in the “Po cao” village. Here we found accommodation in the only guest house available, a really nice and adventures place. We where quite hungry so we have been really …

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The forgotten valley

If you take the chance to go back to the capital of the region “Ha Gian” for the less known street you will never regreat as the landscape you will find is really wanderfull. As well as the local communities. Kids are working often in the street. Every one helps even the smaller one Thi …

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The Nord’s colours in Vietnam

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