Château de Clos-Lucé
Leonardo da Vinci, su invito del re francese Francesco I, visse gli ultimi anni della sua vita ad Ambrosie, nel castello di Clos-Lucé.
Leonardi da Vinci, after the invitation of the french king Francis the first, lived in Amboise, at the Clos-Lucé castle, during his last years.
Château de Chenoncheau
l bellissimo castello di Chenoncheau. E’ chiamato il castello delle dame perché appartenne a diverse nobildonne, che lo amarono e curarono e che lo riempirono di meraviglie. E’ un posto magico, soprattutto verso sera. Oltre al castello si possono visitare il giardino di Diana, quello di Caterina, il labirinto e l’orto dei fiori. Oppure ci si può semplicemente perdere nella foresta che di questa stagione ha un colore verde bellissimo.
Il castello inizialmente era di Diana di Poitiers. Enrico II glielo aveva regalato in quanto sua amante. Quando Enrico morì Caterina, sua moglie, costrinse Diana ad andarsene e vi stabilì la corte. Fu lei a costruire il ponte coperto, che volle su modello del Ponte Vecchio di Firenze.
The amazing Chenoncheau Castle. It is called the Ladies’ Castle as it has belonged to many women along its history. They all loved this castle and filled it with wonders inside and outside. This is a magic place, especially around the sunset. In addition to the castle you can visit Diana’s garden, Caterina’s garden, the labyrinth and the flowers’ garden. You can also simply get lost into the woods. The green is amazing in this season.
The Castle initially belonged to Diana, as a present of king Henry. When Henry died Caterina forced Diana to move to Chaumont and brought the court here. She build the cover bridge, using Ponte Vecchio in Florence as a model.
The Cheverny Castle is smaller than the other castles. However it has a secret. The same family (the Hurault) has been owning the castle for 600 years. the forniture in the inside are still perfect and guide the visitors into a journey across time. The earls which are the owners still live in the right part. Hergé set the story of Tin Tin also here.
Château de Chambord
Il castello 440 stanze, 282 caminetti e 82 rampe di scale. Francesco vi abitò per un totale di 71 giorni.
Francis I king of France begin the castle when he was 24, the year Leonardo da Vinci died, in 1519. Leonardo never saw the caste but his architectural influence is visible, as the influence of others italian architects. Francis wanted this castle to reproduce the italian architecture he admires during his wars in Italy. The building features 440 rooms, 282 fireplaces, and 84 staircases. Francis only passed here 71 days during his entire kingdom.
La scalinata interna al maschio è formata da due scale che salgono a chiocciola nello stesso senso senza mai incontrarsi. Se due persone salgono ognuna per una scalinata, lungo la strada si potranno solo vedere, ma mai incontrare.
The inside staircase is made of two helices that ascend the three floors without ever meeting. If two persons choose each a different helix to go up, they will see each other but never meet.
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